Genre: action/adventure
Robert Downey Jr.
Gwyneth Paltrow
Terrence Howard
Jeff Bridges
The superhero movie
It's not often that I go see a movie without having seen its trailer. And it's even rarer that I haven't seen one of a highly anticipated blockbuster like Iron Man. So, what made me decide to see this movie? Mmmm, none other than Robert Downey Jr. I saw him on TV a few days ago, and said something like he would often argue with director Jon Favreau just so not to make the script sound so cheesy. He said it with such a straight face that you'll believe him. And I can believe him as "Iron Man," even as he says in the film, he's not the superhero type. He is not. Unlike the red suit he wears in the film, it's the orange suit that he wore once in real life that sticks in your memory. Still, his acting chops is what elevates Iron Man from your typical superhero movie. You believe he can control all those robotic devices and make weapons from the crudest piece of metal to the most advanced technologies. The blaring musical score obviously wants to attract the typical teenage male, but the movie's special effects seem to improve on what most of us have already seen in Transformers. Is this the best superhero movie since Batman Begins? The answer is a resounding "yes". If you're patient enough to wait until the very end of the roll of credits, there is a teaser of what is yet to come.
Rating: 8.5
10 - worth dying for!
9 - magnificent; don't miss it!
8 - great movie; worth your time
7 - good movie; very entertaining
6 - passable, if you don't have anything important to do
5 - not worth your time
4 and below - i never knew such movies existed